Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Unsure how to proceed

After the initial elation at seeing my words on math education on the web and the subsequent flurry of activity of setting up this blog, posting material I've written elsewhere and trying to generate some buzz for this site, I now find myself unsure as to the best way to continue.

Analysis of the NCTM Standards requires long painstaking dissection and analysis. Writing up this analysis is not something that lends itself well to the blog format. I could concentrate on shorter observations that requre a less thorough comment on my part, but this is already done (and done well) by Joanne Jacobs. I see this blog as adding value to this discussion only if it does something different that is not done elsewhere. A couple of papers which illustrate exactly what I would like to do with this site are Some Thoughts On Constructivism and Some Disagreements With The Standards by Brian Rude.

These papers, at about 4000 words, are probably on the high range of the length that's possible in this medium. At this point, the only thing I can think to do is take some small aspect of the standards and write an analysis/criticism of it. (I've dusted off my copies of the Standards books and hope to be able to do this in the near future.) Then we can see if that style of writing could constitute a sustainable model for this blog.

Stay tuned!

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