Thursday, October 14, 2004

Retreat from Learning

I have just received a used copy of Retreat from Learning by Joan Dunn. From the flap of the book, "Retreat from Learning is a dramatic inside report on the failure of our public high schools ... shocking picture of lowered academic standards ... Joan Dunn's account of her teaching career is a story of four years of frustration and defeat in the face of the appalling waste of America's most precious resources - the minds and hearts of our youths."

This book was written in 1955!

1 comment:

UnknownVariable said...

"This book was written in 1955!"

Yet we're still here. Still world leaders in technology, math, physics, etc. One might extrapolate that this book and your posts of similar vein are similar to chicken little exclaiming that the sky is falling... or one could imagine the accomplishments we could have made if real teaching reform took place back then (and now).