Saturday, October 23, 2004

Filosofia Barata (Cheap Philosophy)

The capacity to learn is a gift;
The ability to learn is a skill;
The willingness to learn is a choice.

[original source unknown; I first saw this in Dune: House Harkonnen by Herbert & Anderson]

All of us have our God-given talents, so there's isn't anything I can do about the first sentence. As superdestroyer and allen have commented, there are strong cultural reasons why many students are unwilling to tackle math, science and engineering. While this is a serious problem, it is not one which I am particularly qualified to address. My interest lies mostly (and as far as this blog is concerned, entirely) in the second sentence: the ability to learn is a skill. Our high school (and increasingly, college) math programs need serious attention if they are provide those who are willing and able to tackle these fields the skills they need to be successful.

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