Sunday, October 03, 2004

Reason for this blog

I was surprised to learn today that something I posted at over a year ago seems to have surfaced in several places on the web in the last few days. I guess better late than never.

Some of the sites linking to and/or discussing my post are: (search for constructivism)

The last one in particular has generated a fair amount of debate. I must say it felt really good to see my words generate so much discussion.

I would like to move this discussion forward, which has always been close to my heart even though I left teaching 8 years ago. The first thing I can do towards this end is to re-compile those stories and put them up here; a few of them probably require a little bit of editing before I do that, but I should be able to manage it in the next few days. Then maybe I can get some discussion going here.

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